Sunday, October 3, 2010

Well fall has officially decended upon Camp Lejuene. We had a week of rain from hurricane Nicole, flooding was crazy. Its actually nice to not have to blast the AC. The trees are starting to turn colors. I absolutely love fall, all of the colors are beautiful. Em is getting so big, she turned 9 months on friday, :( I can't believe its been almost a year since she came into our lives. Shes such a good baby and shes doing new things almost everyday. Shes been crawling for awhile and shes pulling up on everything. Here are a few pics...I'm excited to put her in her warmer clothes theyre so cute!

Em waiting for daddy to come home!

Playing in the puddles from the rain.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Yay internets back on!!! I'll put up new pics and posts!!! Working on getting everything updated!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Ok so I promised more updates, but we are without internet so I will post pics and more updates as soon as I can get on the internet long enough. :)

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


I haven't been very good about keeping this updated, so here goes a very long update....
Since the last last post we had a beautiful baby girl on Jan 1, 2010...

Emery Kay Lavery

Dustin left 9 days later for his first deployment to afghanistan......

It was a long and very hard/lonely 7 months but we made it!

Dustin is now on leave and we have been catching up on family time! Emery and I did a lot and a nothing during those 7 months. We shared her first Easter and first 4th of July together. We made two trips back to KC and we made some great friends while daddy was gone. We are so glad he is home safe and sound now! Since being home we have taken Em to the aquarium, went out to eat with friends, went to the beach and just vegged on the couch. Life is pretty great! I will make a couple collages of events while daddy was gone plus some of since hes been home. I'm going to try to be better at updating this.

Some milestones for Emme...

She said "da,da" about a week and half before he came home :)

Her first tooth has broke through and the second is visable.....

She has added "ma, ma" and "ba,ba" to her vocabulary.....

and she is scooting around like crazy, crawling should start at any moment. We are definately basking in these moments! ;)

We're under construction. I'm updating the layout of the blog as well as putting new updates! :)

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Went to my doc appointment today. Still pretty anemic...they gave me a handout with foods that have iron in them and I eat almost all of them pretty regularly. Emery's doing great, she kicked the heart monitor when we were listening to her. :) Shes ornery. We also scheduled my 3D sonogram, I'm so excited. I want to see her little face and see who she looks like. :) I'm ready for my baby to come.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Emery Kay

We are 24 weeks and 3 days pregnant. Emery is doing great, she kicks a lot. We have been getting stuff ready for her arrival we bought a crib, changer/dresser, and a bookshelf. We have bought clothes of course and have started stocking up on diapers. Grandma has even sent a few packages for the princess. Aunt Shanna even sent Emery a book addressed to her and all, I thought that was pretty cool. I can't wait to get more done but I've had to slow down so I don't do everything now so I have stuff to do later. I have an appointment on thursday and hopefully I can schedule my 3D ultrasound. Getting so excited!